Meet the Cast: Oloma

Oloma was  initially created to fill an arcane spellcasting / rogue void in the initial makeup of the original party. I was inspired to create a female spellcaster by the iconic sorcerer in the Savage Tide Adventure Path, who would eventually grace the cover of Dungeon Magazine #143. Oloma Female half-human (Suel) / half-succubus rogue 1 / sorcerer 19 (Pathfinder …

The Savage Tide

Way back in 2009 when I was living in San Diego, California, I started to DM the Savage Tide Adventure Path (STAP) with my gaming group, then consisting of two other people. One of them rolled up a ranger, the other a druid. “No big deal,” says I. I decided that they might need some roguey-ness and perhaps some arcane …


When I first started this blog, I had intended it to be a vehicle for my writing. Sometimes, though, life gets in the way and you don’t find the time to do the things you’d like to do. I say this as I’m cooking some chicken on the stove and realize that the timer I thought I set hasn’t been …