The DZA’s Greyhawk: Morgau and Doresh Map

I’ve been working on this map for the last few weeks, and I’m still not satisfied that there isn’t a better way to save a better resolution map from the original Illustrator file, but here’s my first effort. Thanks to Anna B. Meyer for letting us use her work to create our own Greyhawk campaign maps. If you haven’t read …

The DZA’s Greyhawk: Morgau and Doresh Living Greyhawk Gazetteer Entry

I didn’t really play much Greyhawk until 3rd Edition D&D came around, so my preferred version of Greyhawk is what’s laid out in the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer (LGG). As such, I wanted to give my new realm of Morgau and Doresh its own entry into that book. I’ve tweaked the entry for the Pomarj, so most of what is here was …

The DZA’s Greyhawk: The Pomarj, reimagined

  It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted anything, but I’ve actually been working on a couple of projects lately. The first project I worked on after my last post was to design the facade of my necromancer’s tower in my friends homebrew game. It’s set in a Southern European setting, roughly 12th-13th century, and my design was for …